• SADC Protocols relevant for Trade in Services

    Article 22(4) of the SADC Treaty as amended in 2009, all Protocols enter into force 30 days after deposit of the instruments of ratification by two-thirds (i.e.11) of the Member States.

    The Protocol on Trade is yet to enter into force as it awaits deposit of Instrument of ratification by the required number of Member States. As of September 2021, the Secretariat had received instruments of ratification by 10 Member States only such as Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, south Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.


    SADC Protocols relevant for Trade in Services

    According to Article 2(6) of the Protocol on Trade in Services, the Protocol seeks to ensuring consistency between  trade in services liberalization and various Protocols in specific sectors. While the Protocol on Trade in Services provides a framework for liberalizing trade in the services sectors through market access and national treatment commitments, several SADC Protocols and legal instruments provide for a regional development agenda in those sectors. The Protocols typically identify areas for cooperation between Member States, and address certain regulatory aspects with a view to promoting socio-economic development in the region. The design of the SADC Trade in Services Protocol takes into account the existence of such sectoral protocols and it is envisaged to complement their objectives by facilitating trade in services among SADC Member States. 

    Follow the links below to download the respective Protocols.